Hydro Power Plant Optimization
TNBR has been involved in optimizing TNB hydropower plants for more than 10 years. It started as an effort to develop internal expertise, considering the potential improvement TNB can derive from all the optimization initiative
a) Hydroelectric Reservoir Operation Planning
Through our comprehensive research in this area, we can maximize natural inflow to be used and minimizing overflow due to floods. Our research covers the aspects of:
· Optimization of water resource utilization
· Optimization of lake level management
b) Generation Scheduling
We conduct studies on generation scheduling to utilize the limited water resources. Our research focuses on the following aspects:
· Optimization of water resource allocation over future time steps
· Optimization of the number of units to be used for the given amount of water to be used
· Real-time hydro plant optimization
c) Coordinated Operation Optimization for Multi-Reservoirs System
We conduct focused research in this area to optimally meet the desired grid load requirement. his research covers the aspects of:
· Merit order operation based on water value and efficiency
· Inter station economic load dispatch
d) Turbine Efficiency Measurement
Output from this comprehensive research is to produce cost-effective solutions to measure turbine efficiency performance
e) New Generation Turbine Development
f) Backed with vast experience and strong research in this area, we produce innovative invention to maximise the efficiency of the turbines
We offer the following solutions:
1. General Solutions for Hydro Power Plants
· Relative Turbine Efficiency Measurement
· Absolute Turbine Efficiency Measurement
· Unit & Plant Energy Audit & Energy Losses Monitoring
· Component and Operation Performance Monitoring
· 3D Scanning for Reverse Engineering & Quality Inspection
· 3D CAD Solid Modelling & CAE Simulation
· Development of Pico / Micro Hydro
2. Customized Solutions for Hydro Power Plants
· Hydroelectric Reservoir Water Release Planning
· Hydro System Generation Scheduling
· Coordinated Operation Optimization for Multi-reservoirs System